
SPIF Tip #17: Marketing and Sales is a Production Process

Quality and  process improvement methods have roots in manufacturing, where they add value in obvious and tangible ways. In contrast, sales adds value by providing information and resolving issues, both of which are intangible. Given process improvement’s roots in manufacturing, it’s worth considering a few analogies between sales and manufacturing: Leads are analogous to raw materials in manufacturing. Advertising and […]

SPIF Tip #16: Getting Into Your Customer’s Head

Sometimes getting customers to talk is a challenge. Salespeople need to learn what is important to customers. And they need a conversation to do it. Too often, companies don’t set things up with salespeople so they can have these conversations easily. Nor do they equip their salespeople with the necessary questions and other tools to […]

SPIF Tip #12: How to Predict Which prospects Will Buy

I sometimes tell salespeople they should  be able to predict which prospects will buy. Often they think, “Wait a second. In manufacturing, I know if I put twenty pieces of steel plate in a brake press and apply  three thousand pounds of force, each piece is going to bend to a 90-degree angle. But if I give twenty prospects […]

SPIF Tip #10: Defining Sales Terms

Most early conversations I have with sales and marketing managers concern how they generate leads, how salespeople qualify prospects, or how team leaders track sales opportunities. After listening for a while and building rapport, I’ll ask, “What do you mean by a lead?” or “What is a prospect?” or “What is a sales opportunity?”

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