How to Design Your Sales Process to Help Customers Buy Now
Everyone’s attention these days seems to be riveted on sales.
And rightly
so, given the economy. Recently I received inquiries from several
people working with a large organization that is very concerned about
its sales process. Seems the CEO is having difficulty telling Wall
Street where next quarter’s revenues will be.
No surprise there! The economic crisis affects large and small
companies: everyone needs to know where next month’s revenue will come
Forecasting sales has always been difficult, but, in a threatening
market like this, the problem is compounded by the need to get enough
people to buy in the first place! This is a scary challenge,
especially with the state of the sales process in most organizations.
Ask yourself:
- How much thought went into the design of your company’s sales process?
- Was your sales process designed for the kind of market we have today?
- Does anyone really care how a salesperson got the business, so long as they actually get it?
If you are like most companies, the answers to those questions are:
- “It wasn’t ‘designed’; someone just sort of did what seemed to work at the time”
- “No”
- “Nope!”
So, with the
sales process so much in the spotlight, what are you supposed to do?
How can you figure out what changes will have the right effects? How
can you get everyone to realize that improving the sales process is the
On Thursday
of this week, Robert Ferguson and I will present the first of two
initial webinars around design principles and tips you need to make
your sales flow like water – and get results fast. Part one is this
Thursday, February 19:
“How to Design a Sales Process
For Customer Value and Continuous Improvement”
Guidebook Launch Webinar
Thursday February 19, 2009, 3:00pm Eastern Time
Visit that page now, and register for this unusual and timely event.
Part two will be next Thursday, February 26. More on that event soon.
Michael J Webb
February 17, 2009