Sales and marketing executives in B2B companies seem to be working harder every year, yet consider some recent results: 62% of companies had difficulty making target revenues in 2014. (Forrester) 42% of all sales opportunities end in “No Decision.” (HubSpot) B2B companies are delaying contact with salespeople. (Google and the CEB) A pass bet at […]
Back in 1996, after 20 years in industry, I was tired of working sixty hours per week as a salesman and sales manager for people who cared if I made my number, but couldn’t assess the odds I faced or if I was doing a good a job. The worst part was when my employers kept throwing […]
LOGAN, Utah – April 17th, 2015 – The Shingo Institute, part of the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University, has awarded Michael Webb with the Shingo Research and Professional Publication Award for his work “Sales Process Excellence.” Webb is president of Sales Performance Consultants, Inc., an Atlanta-based thought leader in the […]
Submission Title: Sales Process Excellence Author Name(s): Michael J. Webb A team of Shingo examiners has provided the following feedback. The team rated the submission based on the following categories. Content Contribution to new knowledge and understanding of operational excellence Michael Webb has articulated the why and how of continuous improvement in a context and […]
Every year CSO Insights (a research company for chief sales officers) conducts a study on sales management1. In 2014, the average win rate of forecasted deals across all companies was 45.9 percent, virtually the same as the 45.7 percent achieved in 2013. In other words, the average CEO would be better off placing “pass” bets […]
Do highly successful companies use process management tools in marketing and sales? You bet they do. Whether they know they are doing it is another matter, however. In fact, when companies TRY to apply lean and process tools to sales and marketing, they often get it wrong. Read this and you’ll get it right.
The term “sales process engineering” was defined nicely in a paper written by Dr. Paul Selden in 1994: Sales process engineering is the systematic application of scientific and mathematical principles to achieve the practical goals of a sales process. Engineering is practical. It applies whatever scientific knowledge is available and relevant to a given problem. […]
Sales processes can be studied like any other business process. Hard data enables financial insights so managers allocate sales and marketing resources better.
The three root causes of the silo-mentality that pervades sales and marketing management.
By Michael J. Webb
Quality initiative in sales – an impossible dream? With the right proposition and simple techniques, not only is it possible but it can also be a successful venture.